
Trends & Insights

22 Oct, 2020
How do hair salon reviews affect your bottom line? Is it really worth it to pursue barbershop reviews for your business? If you haven’t used reviews in your business before, they can seem like a lot of work. And you’re not wrong. It’s another layer of marketing that many choose to go without. But that’s to their own loss. Hair salon reviews and barbershop reviews are really worth it. In this article, we’ll explore 4 reasons why reviews for your salon or barbershop really do matter! 1. They build a good reputation online 2. Reviews complement your marketing efforts 3. You can learn a lot from reviews 4. They act as a teamwork tool Compared to a personal referral or recommendation, testimonials are the next best thing. And since you can’t rely on every single customer to refer a friend to your business, hair salon reviews are definitely worth pursuing.
22 Oct, 2020
Being in the hair & beauty these days is certainly challenging. From mandatory closings, to limited capacity re-openings with strict rules. It can seem difficult to navigate this ever-changing landscape of services, but the good news is, we’re all in the same boat and there are many ways to take control of your business again. In order to efficiently reopen and organize your salon or barbershop business moving forward, while minimizing the number of clients in the store at one time, implementing a salon booking system is the way to go. These systems aren’t overly complicated (there are many options available) and allow clients to book an appointment when they know it is safe to visit. Salon booking systems also allow you to communicate with clients and prospects and estimate volumes for staffing purposes upon reopening. But there are a few more reasons to consider a salon booking system:
22 Oct, 2020
For small businesses like salons and barbershops, generating additional revenue sources should be top of mind. One simple way to add an additional revenue stream to your salon or barbershop is by selling products to your clients. These products could be anything from brushes and combs to shampoos/conditioners, at-home treatments, and skincare. Just make sure the products align with your brand values and are at a price point that would be suitable for your customers’ demographic profiles. In this article, we’ll examine a few different ways of selling products in the salon or barbershop. 1. Use the products you sell 2. Only sell and use products you enjoy 3. Apply product knowledge 4. Consult with your clients Here are four ways to help your customers extend their salon and barbershop experience into their own hands by offering products available for sale after their appointments or through your website.
21 Oct, 2020
Hairstylist bios are one of the most underrated features of your app or website. It’s one of the first things that hook potential clients in and makes them want to do business with you. That’s why mediocre and ineffective employee bios won’t cut it. If you’re wondering where to start, you’ve come to the right place. In this guide, we give you three easy tips for writing employee bios that will increase your clientele and grow your business. 
12 Oct, 2020
If you’re here, you’re probably wondering whether it is actually worth it for your business to have a mobile app. Well, the good news is that technology has never been more advanced! This year is a great time to start building a mobile app for your business. And yes, we’ve got the stats to back that up, so read on! Mobile apps are the land of opportunity. While there have never been more apps in the App Store (2.2 million apps) and Play Store (2.8 million apps) than there are today, creating a useful and popular app is extremely hard to do. You have to wade through a lot of bad ones to get to the good, and then you need to convince users your app provides enough value to download. But don’t let these hurdles intimidate you. With the right team, it’s definitely possible to create an app that works for your business. After all, 57% of digital media usage comes from mobile apps and the average smartphone users use over 30 apps each month. There’s definitely an opportunity to become one of their 30! So, here’s where you need to weigh the pros and cons to decide whether it is actually worth it for your business to have a mobile app.
12 Oct, 2020
“There’s an app for that” One of Apple’s early campaigns for the App Store is still relevant today. But App Store growth has only accelerated since 2009. And yes, it’s been more than 10 years since that commercial first aired. But with a growing number of apps available for download on a daily basis, does your business really need one? The short answer is, “yes”. In this article, we’ll go over the top seven reasons to consider investing in a mobile app for your business this year. The top seven reasons to build a mobile app for your business include: Provide more value to customers Build a stronger brand Connect with customers on another level Boost profits Remain competitive Utilize user-generated content Direct marketing channel 
12 Oct, 2020
If you’re like us, you’re probably glued to your phone more than you should be. But to be fair, it’s hard not to be attached to your device when they can do so much. As the need for these powerful devices continues to grow, more and more businesses are realising the necessity of a mobile app for their business. Whether it’s to attract more customers, build a community/better brand, or increase revenue, mobile apps for businesses are here to stay. You can embrace them or you can be left behind. It’s easy to blame your lack of success on the fact that large companies have more resources to build super custom, powerhouse apps while spending marketing dollars to attract customers and downloads. Sure, that’s one theory. But if you play the blame game and never try building an app for your specific audience (even with a limited budget), you’ll never know if it works for you. Plus, the stats don’t lie. Research shows that users now prefer mobile apps more than mobile websites. So, even if your site is responsive optimized to be used on a phone, it’s not the preferred choice. The following are our 10 reasons the mobile app will win over the website: Personalisation Notifications Device features Offline capabilities Freedom of design Branding Amount of time spent on apps Positive impact on conversions Brand presence Speed Read on to learn a bit about why an app is the best choice for your business.
by Andrew Speight 02 Oct, 2020
Editors Note: Always follow Government Guidelines Marketing is an essential part of owning a salon, especially given the current global health crisis. The first round of lockdowns left salon owners and employees desperate for business, and clients in dire need of service. Understanding the concept of salon marketing and how to target your current (and new) client base will keep you from sinking financially in the event of a second lockdown.
by Andrew Speight 28 Sept, 2020
All businesses run on positive reviews, and your salon is no exception. Did you know that 96% of unhappy customers might not say a word to you, but go ahead and tell 15 people about your bad service? Now, add online reviews to the equation. This is how important a customer’s opinion is when it comes to making (or breaking) a business.
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